Brian and Dermot Buffini share the data and resources needed to prepare
you and your agents for the upcoming market changes.

Live broadcast: No Chaos. Own the Listings. Win Market Share.

Original air date: Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 11 a.m. PT | 2 p.m. ET

Industry legends Brian Buffini and Dermot Buffini join a special 7 Figure Club - Live with information you cannot afford to miss. Normally exclusive to Buffini Leadership Coached members, this inside scoop will be unlocked for the very first time!

An incredible market change is about to come, is your team prepared? We have data and resources to get your agents right-now listings and grow your market share right when you need it.

Do it N.O.W.

  • No chaos
  • Own the listings
  • Win the market share

We’re going to help you seize the opportunity ahead before your competitors know what’s happening.

Be sure to watch this powerful presentation and get a chance to listen in on a members-only Q&A session with Brian and Dermot Buffini!

Are you a Leadership Coaching member? If so, be sure you login to the 7 Figure Club-Live section in the Members Area where you can watch your recording.


Brian Buffini - Master Realtor

Brian Buffini

Chairman & Founder,
Buffini & Company.

Dermot Buffini - CEO

Dermot Buffini

Chief Executive Officer,
Buffini & Company.

Dave McGhee - VP

Dave McGhee

Vice President of Buffini Coaching Institute, Buffini & Company

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