Dear Friend,
With the seemingly endless variety of credit card options out there, choosing the right one to apply for can be a difficult choice to make. That’s why it’s important to know what steps to take to narrow down your options.
To help provide clarity, I’ve provided a three-step guide for selecting a credit card that aligns with your goals and spending habits. When you’re ready to apply, you’ll know how to determine which one will benefit you best. I’ve also included a few tips on how to use your credit card wisely, so you can help protect your financial future.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. Either I or someone in my extensive network of contacts would be happy to assist you.
Oh, by the way®… if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and contact information.
Estimado amigo:
Con la impresionante gama de opciones de tarjetas de crédito existente hoy en día, elegir la tarjeta adecuada puede resultar difícil. Por eso es importante saber qué hacer para limitar las opciones.
Para ayudarle a tomar esa decisión de forma más clara, le propongo una guía fácil de tres pasos para escoger una tarjeta de crédito que corresponda a sus objetivos y sus hábitos de gasto. Cuando esté listo para solicitar su tarjeta, sabrá exactamente qué hacer para decidir cuál será la más ventajosa para usted. He incluido también algunos consejos sobre cómo utilizar su tarjeta de crédito de forma inteligente para que pueda proteger más fácilmente su futuro financiero.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Será un placer para mí u otro miembro de mi amplia red de contactos ayudarlo en todo lo posible.
Y por cierto®… si conoce a alguien al que pudieran serle útiles mis servicios profesionales, no dude en darme su nombre e información de contacto.
Madame, / Monsieur,
Si vous cherchez à vous procurer un compte de carte de crédit, vous constaterez qu’il est difficile de s’y retrouver dans la multitude de choix offerts. Vous devez donc être en mesure de soupeser vos options et de faire un choix éclairé.
C’est pourquoi je vous propose trois étapes pour choisir la bonne carte de crédit en fonction de vos objectifs et de vos habitudes de consommation. Le moment venu, vous saurez laquelle convient le mieux à vos besoins et pourrez aller de l’avant en toute confiance. Je vous propose aussi quelques conseils pratiques pour utiliser judicieusement cet outil et éviter d’éventuels problèmes financiers.
Si vous avez des questions ou avez besoin de renseignements supplémentaires, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi. Si je ne peux vous aider, je suis persuadé que l’un de mes contacts sera en mesure de le faire.
Je vous prie d’accepter l’expression de mes sentiments distingués,
En passant… si vous connaissez des gens qui sont à la recherche d’un service de qualité à l’image de celui que j’offre, je vous prie de me transmettre leur nom et leur numéro de téléphone.
Dear Friend,
With the seemingly endless variety of credit card options out there, choosing the right one to apply for can be a difficult choice to make. That’s why it’s important to know what steps to take to narrow down your options.
To help provide clarity, I’ve provided a three-step guide for selecting a credit card that aligns with your goals and spending habits. When you’re ready to apply, you’ll know how to determine which one will benefit you best. I’ve also included a few tips on how to use your credit card wisely, so you can help protect your financial future.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. Either I or someone in my extensive network of contacts would be happy to assist you.
Oh, by the way®… if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and contact information.
Dear Friend,
With spring in full swing, now is the perfect time to get your home organized and clean – and give back while doing so! Rather than throwing out your unwanted items, consider donating them instead.
Decluttering is not only a great way to refresh your space, it’s also the perfect opportunity to give to those in need. To help you get started, I’ve included four ways you can make your spring cleaning meaningful. I’ve also provided a breakdown of how to use your non-cash-donations to get a tax break.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. Either I or someone in my extensive network of contacts would be happy to assist you.
Oh, by the way®… if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and contact information.